Horse and Rider Treatment
When the same horse and rider combination spend hours together, it is not suprising that if one is slightly out of alignment, it begins to affect the other.
It maybe the rider being uncomforatble or unlevel thats affecting the horses or vice-versa. For example, if the rider has a bad back or is riding slightly unbalanced due to aches and pains, this can in turn affect the horses performance and create compensations.
As riders know that is is possible to carry on performing with a little discomfort, but we perhaps won't be performing at our best. This is the same for horses, they can still perform, but may be struggling to reach the best of their abilities.
Treatments are not only offered for competition horses & riders, any or all horses and riders could benefit. It would be EXTREMELY hard work to find anyone or anything that is 100% relaxed, straight and symptom free. This doesn't mean that everything needs treating, but simply there is normally always something to work on & improve.
Please contact to discuss treatments in more detail, or to enquire about multiple treatments (eg. One rider and many horses)