Intial consultation: £40 (1 hour)

Follow up Consultations: £40 (45 minutes - 1 hour)

Block Bookings (5 treatments): £175

Block booking (10 treatments): £330

Practitioner: Camille Bennett

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine which has been developed over thousands of years. Fine needles are inserted in to specific points all around the body in channels known as meridians. The aim is to encourage the body to restore the natural balance and so restore health.

Acupuncture was introduced to the West in the 19th century by travellers returning from the East. In the 1960's schools and a regulatory body were established, ever since then regulatory standards have continued to improve as demand has increased. The main regulary body in britain today is The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), who Acupuncturists at Chien Clinic are registered with.

There has been much research done into acupuncture, researchers have gone to great lengths and proven it can be effective for short term relief from back pain, knee pain, dental pain, nausea and migraines. There is ongoing research to prove its effectiveness for long term relief from the above mentioned symptoms and for the many ailments that it is still used for in China, as it has been for hundreds of years.

For further information on Treatments, Safety, Lastest news and Research and other updates please refer to Where there is an up to date A to Z on the symptoms/illness/conditions acupuncture can be used for.


Can also be offered at Chien Clinic as part of the treatment. Its a form or deep tissue massage where a vacuum is created in a cup thats applied to the skin to lift the skin and underlying tissues. The aim is to increase circulation to the area, and to remove the build up of waste products in the muscles.


There are many different types of cups that can be used, the following are used at Chien Clinic:

  • Glass - A flame is used to create the vacuum
  • Plastic - A Hand pump is used to create the vacuum, the cups have a valve on top
  • Rubber - The cups are squeezed and then applied


Moxa is a herb, Mugwort, that is prepared in many different forms to apply heat to the body/channels/points, for many different reasons.


Forms of moxa found at Chien Clinic:

  • Cones - They can vary in size and also in types of application, they can be applied directly to the skin or to the end of the needles
  • Sticks - Are hand held so they can be moved over areas, channels and points.
  • Loose - Can be applied using moxa boxes (a box containing a gauze is placed over a body part, eg. lower back, and delivers strong heat), or formed into cones for direct treatment.    


Heat can be used to relax the muscles, combined with acupuncuture, the moxa offers a stronger treatment.


There are many other uses for moxa in Chinese medicine, which Camille will gladly discuss with you as when put into context it becomes much easier to explain.

Advice before, during and after treatment:

  • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing, and be aware that your acupuncturist may require you to remove clothing to enable them to use specific points. You won't be asked to remove underwear, and generally shorts and a vest or strap top will be fine.
  • It is advisable to have eaten before having treatment, although large meals should be avoided withing an hour or two before treatment.
  • Allow yourself time to relax whilst having treatment, worries about needing to be somewhere or running out of parking will detract from the benefits of the treatment. You may also feel you need 5 minutes after the treatment to wake up after spending an hour relaxing.
  • There are no major side effects to acupuncture, there may rarely be minor bruising at the site of needling, usually the size of a five pence peice. Or nausea, which dissappears on removing the needles. Some people feel tired or very relaxed after the treatment and may not feel like doing a lot after.
  • If Massage is used in combination with acupuncture you may feel achey for 24 hours or so.
  • Although some people do notice a marked improvement straight away after recieving treatment, it is quite common to not notice the effects until the next morning or sometimes a couple of days later.

We are located at:

Louth - 20 Eastgate Louth LN11 9NE


Boston - 20 main ridge west, boston, PE21 6SS


Horncastle - War Memorial Centre, north street , horncastle LN9 5DX

Contact us today!

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Acupuncture, Tui-na Massage, Hot and Cold Stone Massage, McTimoney Animal Chiropractic and Equine & Canine Massage