Opening Hours


Flexible times offered, evenings and weekends available. Where possible an appointment will be made within a few days, you will be offered at least 1 time within a week. 


Please ring to book an appointment between the hours of 8am - 6pm Monday to Saturday,

Sundays are offered by appointment only.

Appointments are generally offered between the hours of 9am - 6pm, although slightly earlier or later appointments may be offered where possible to suit our clients.

Please contact us for more information.

We are located at:

Louth - 20 Eastgate Louth LN11 9NE


Boston - 20 main ridge west, boston, PE21 6SS


Horncastle - War Memorial Centre, north street , horncastle LN9 5DX

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:




Or use our contact form.

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Acupuncture, Tui-na Massage, Hot and Cold Stone Massage, McTimoney Animal Chiropractic and Equine & Canine Massage